Audio Data Contributor - Arabic


Tanggal: 1 minggu yang lalu
Kota: Bekasi, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Kontraktor
Jarak jauh

Project Location: Indonesia (Remote)

Task duration: up to 4.5 hours

Engagement Model: One-time task, task based

DataForce by TransPerfect is looking for participants between 7 to 17 years who studied/learning Arabic as a second language to participate in our Zaatar Speech Collection project.

Task Description:

The purpose of this project is to improve the functionality of Arabic voice recognition technologies used in educational platforms.

For this project, we are looking for participants between 7 to 17 years who have learnt/studied Arabic. Each participant will need to record a series of sentences in Arabic, using our mobile application, DataForce Contribute.


- Be 7 to 17 years.

- Studied/learnt Arabic as a second language

How long does it take?

The project task is estimated to take up to 4.5 hours in total.

There will be 4 sessions to be recorded, each session will take about 1 hour.

How much is the compensation for the participation in this project?

Each session will be compensated with $18.75 USD. If the participant completes the project, total payment will be $75 USD, but the sessions can be compensated separately as well. E.g., if the participant only completes 2 sessions, the amount paid will be $37.5 USD.

We are also offering referral bonus of $20 USD for each referred participant who have completed the project successfully. Please find more information about the referral process in the registration form.

This is a fully remote project.

For more payment details, please refer to the registration form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at: [email protected]

DataForce by TransPerfect is part of the TransPerfect family of companies, the world’s largest provider of language and technology solutions for global business, with offices in more than 100 cities worldwide.

We offer high-quality data for Human-Machine Interaction to some of the most prestigious technology companies in the world. Our division focuses on gathering, enriching and processing data for Machine Learning in different AI domains.

To learn more about DataForce please visit us at

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