Management Trainee | PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk
State University of Malang
Tanggal: 3 hari yang lalu
Kota: Malang, East Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu

<\/span> \/ <\/span>
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}}"},"inView":false,"email_subject":"Check out this awesome image !!","email_message":"Here is the link to the image : %%image_link%% and this is the link to the gallery : %%gallery_link%%","lightbox":"fancybox"}">
Cara melamar
Untuk melamar pekerjaan ini, Anda perlu otorisasi di situs web kami. Jika Anda belum memiliki akun, silakan daftar.
Posting CVPekerjaan serupa
Auto Electrician, Unit Support Mechanic | PT Gane Tambang Sentosa
State University of Malang,
Malang, East Java
2 hari yang lalu
<\/span> \/ <\/span>{{buttons}}{{arrows}}"},"inView":false,"email_subject":"Check out this awesome image !!","email_message":"Here is the link to the image : %%image_link%% and this is the link to the gallery : %%gallery_link%%","lightbox":"fancybox"}">

Supervisor Marketing & Komunikasi
PT. Zona Karya Nusantara,
Malang, East Java
Rp 3.000.000
Rp 4.000.000
per bulan
2 minggu yang lalu
Deskripsi Pekerjaan Monitoring visual, reach pada social media Update kegiatan social media dan trend Mengembangkan alur komunikasi, informasi dan market research Manajemen dan analisa social media Supporting teamKualifikasi Marketing & Communication Supervisor Pendidikan min. D3 (Komunikasi/DKV/Multimedia/sejurusan) Pengalaman min.1th Pengalaman handle tim/event Menguasai software kreatif (ex : Adobe Family) Memahami socmed management software (ex: Digimind, brandwatch,etc) Memiliki pengetahuan tentang "Creative Sport...

Supervisor Operasional | PT Boga Utama
State University of Malang,
Malang, East Java
2 minggu yang lalu
<\/span> \/ <\/span>{{buttons}}{{arrows}}"},"inView":false,"email_subject":"Check out this awesome image !!","email_message":"Here is the link to the image : %%image_link%% and this is the link to the gallery : %%gallery_link%%","lightbox":"fancybox"}">