Patient Access Representative - PRN, Louisburg, KS
Olathe Health
Tanggal: 20 jam yang lalu
Kota: Lembang, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Paruh waktu
Position Title
Patient Access Representative - PRN, Louisburg, KS
Days - PRN
Olathe Medical Center The Doctors Building 1 (MOB 1 & 2) 20375 W. 151st St.
Position Summary / Career Interest
Patient Access Representative is responsible for greeting patients and visitors in the numerous outpatient registration areas. The Patient Access Representative is typically the first point of contact for our patients and visitors and customer service skills are monitored for excellence. They are held accountable for obtaining correct patient demographic and insurance information to ensure proper reimbursement is made to the hospital. Financial communication with patients will be handled in a positive and professional manner.
Responsibilities And Essential Job Functions
Part time
Job Requisition ID
We are an equal employment opportunity employer without regard to a person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity and sexual orientation), national origin, ancestry, age (40 or older), disability, veteran status or genetic information.
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Patient Access Representative - PRN, Louisburg, KS
Days - PRN
Olathe Medical Center The Doctors Building 1 (MOB 1 & 2) 20375 W. 151st St.
Position Summary / Career Interest
Patient Access Representative is responsible for greeting patients and visitors in the numerous outpatient registration areas. The Patient Access Representative is typically the first point of contact for our patients and visitors and customer service skills are monitored for excellence. They are held accountable for obtaining correct patient demographic and insurance information to ensure proper reimbursement is made to the hospital. Financial communication with patients will be handled in a positive and professional manner.
Responsibilities And Essential Job Functions
- Greets customers in prompt, courteous, and helpful manner.
- Verifies patient information and assures that patient completes and signs appropriate paperwork. Obtains copies of insurance cards, driver license and enters/updates patient demographic and insurance information in computer system both accurately and in timely manner. Compiles and maintains all forms and/or documents in the patient's medical record.
- Maintains appointment scheduling system to include scheduling, coordinating, and adjusting patient appointments appropriate to patient's request, provider schedule, and computerized system capability. Consistently follows "No-Show" procedure. Completes appointment reminder calls.
- Answers telephone promptly, screens calls, takes complete message including all necessary triage information or route/transfers call to appropriate staff member. Efficiently distributes information to nursing and medical support staff, accurately, and in a courteous and timely manner.
- Consistently collects patient co-pay and outstanding account balances.
- Prepares office batches and balances patient payments received at the completion of each workday.
- Serves as liaison between patient and medical support staff. Communicates with insurance company for necessary information regarding referral information and/or assists patient with scheduling specialist appointment and/or testing.
- Checks out patients providing visit specific information and schedules future appointments.
- Maintains clean, orderly front desk and waiting area.
- PARs with PAR/Clinical access to the electronic medical record will timely and accurately enter patient clinical information in the EMR as related to assigned tasks associated with PAR/Clinical access.
- Participates fully as a member of the Patient Centered Medical Home Team.
- Must be able to perform the professional, clinical and or technical competencies of the assigned unit or department.
- These statements are intended to describe the essential functions of the job and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities. Skills and duties may vary dependent upon your department or unit. Other duties may be assigned as required.
- High School Graduate
- Previous Related Experience
- Previous Healthcare Experience
Part time
Job Requisition ID
We are an equal employment opportunity employer without regard to a person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity and sexual orientation), national origin, ancestry, age (40 or older), disability, veteran status or genetic information.
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We can recommend jobs specifically for you! Create a custom Job Alert by selecting criteria that suit your career interests.
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