Product Marketer
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Kota: Pekerjaan jarak jauh, Pekerjaan jarak jauh
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Join the revolution in hospitality tech!
Liven is a leading global data, technology, and customer experience provider for the hospitality industry. From humble beginnings, we have grown to serve over 6,000 venues and millions of diners across Australia, the USA, and Southeast Asia, processing over 120 million transactions worth more than $3 billion (AUD) annually.
Our platform is designed to help hospitality businesses save more and work smarter by integrating all operational aspects—from ordering to back-of-house operations to payments. Our passion for hospitality drives us to continually innovate and enhance the industry with AI-enriched data insights and automated process management.
Key Milestones
Here’s a Quick Glimpse Of Liven
As Liven’s B2B Product Marketer, you have the opportunity to position a market leader and disruptor in the hospitality industry. This role offers significant development opportunities in a fast-paced environment, working directly with the Head of B2B Marketing. You’ll collaborate with our B2B Marketing, Product, Sales, and Customer Success teams to bring our product and story to life in the market and maximize our growth potential.
We are a global business, providing ample opportunity to engage with markets in South East Asia and the US. This role is ideal for a driven individual looking for career acceleration and the ability to engage in a broad range of projects.
What You'll Do
Liven is a leading global data, technology, and customer experience provider for the hospitality industry. From humble beginnings, we have grown to serve over 6,000 venues and millions of diners across Australia, the USA, and Southeast Asia, processing over 120 million transactions worth more than $3 billion (AUD) annually.
Our platform is designed to help hospitality businesses save more and work smarter by integrating all operational aspects—from ordering to back-of-house operations to payments. Our passion for hospitality drives us to continually innovate and enhance the industry with AI-enriched data insights and automated process management.
Key Milestones
- Expansion: Acquired OrderUp, Abacus, Zeemart, and Copper, forming Asia Pacific’s largest end-to-end group in hospitality technology.
- Global Reach: Headquartered across major cities including Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Singapore, Bali, Jakarta, New York, and India.
Here’s a Quick Glimpse Of Liven
- You can visit Career
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- You can Visit Blog
- Acquisition News
As Liven’s B2B Product Marketer, you have the opportunity to position a market leader and disruptor in the hospitality industry. This role offers significant development opportunities in a fast-paced environment, working directly with the Head of B2B Marketing. You’ll collaborate with our B2B Marketing, Product, Sales, and Customer Success teams to bring our product and story to life in the market and maximize our growth potential.
We are a global business, providing ample opportunity to engage with markets in South East Asia and the US. This role is ideal for a driven individual looking for career acceleration and the ability to engage in a broad range of projects.
What You'll Do
- Develop and maintain differentiated positioning and messaging for Liven's products and solutions.
- Create and provide collateral, digital content, sales tools, presentations, and more, expressing business and technical benefits for buyers.
- Produce high-quality content for marketing campaigns, customer retention, and sales efforts.
- Assist in developing effective pricing and packaging strategies.
- Research current clients to identify and implement strategies to improve the sales funnel.
- Manage the go-to-market (GTM) process for new products and features.
- Leverage competitive research to assist with digital marketing strategies, including SEO, paid search, and owned media.
- Assist the Head of B2B Marketing in developing digital marketing campaigns and nurture journeys.
- 6+ years of experience in a B2B product marketing role, preferably in a SaaS-based business.
- Excellent English skills with the ability to create and produce sales toolkits and key marketing messaging.
- Ability to articulate problems and develop effective solutions.
- Strong understanding of customers, market, and product from a remote perspective.
- Demonstrated discipline in communicating work and task management.
- Proven expertise in product marketing tactics and strategy, with a successful track record of product launches.
- Strong knowledge of evolving marketing trends and emerging techniques.
- Experience in engaging with customers and partners to gather insights and drive marketing strategies.
- Working knowledge of web analytics tools to measure and analyze campaign performance.
- Proficient in ROI tracking, comfortable working with numbers to report on key metrics.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and written.
- Experience in Point of Sale, Hospitality, or Fintech industries.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
- Familiarity with CRM systems and marketing automation tools.
- Strong project management skills.
- Experience with content management systems (CMS) and email marketing platforms.
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