Receiving and Shipping Operator


Tanggal: 4 hari yang lalu
Kota: Bekasi, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu

  • Insure the consistency between material external flows and documents related.
  • Support customers contacts, suppliers contacts during off-shift hours.
  • Insure the counting, faxing and promises follow-up of the Visual Re-order system


 Prepare manual paperwork for shipments when is needed

 Responsible of the proper filing and archiving of all shipping and receiving documents.

 Apply and contribute to the definition of the procedures and methods to control this activity

 Address and fix all issues related to an incorrect or missing document/label

 Contact suppliers not document/label compliant to ask and follow their corrective action plans

 Report suppliers document and labeling discrepancies and action plans status

 Control the receiving and shipping job stream in the system

 Insure the pas-on during off-shift hours for on going issues

 Organize and follow up during off-shift hours premium transportation

 Responsible for proof of delivery issues

 Send by Fax or via web-portals ASN’s to customers without EDI connection and/or failed ASN’s

Help regions having a site facing a dramatic crisis , ensuring that progress roadmaps are built.

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