Relationship Manager (Nationwide)


Tanggal: 5 hari yang lalu
Kota: Lembang, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu
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Job Purpose

Account Profitability

  • Maximise earnings potential and revenue of relationship.
  • Review and monitor performance of accounts.

Service Management

  • Ensure promptness and quality of credit processing.
  • Monitor overdue accounts and undertake prompt measures to prevent NPLs.
  • Provide customer level information to relevant parties within the Bank.
  • Facilitate the drawdown of facilities.

Client Relationship Management

  • Support, identify, solicit and establish a high value client base.
  • Accountable for customer relationship and customer interface.

Operations Management

  • Manage proactively a portfolio of SME accounts by monitoring the status and credit risk of each account.
  • Coordinate and / or liaise with branches / head office departments to maximize process efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Additional Responsibilities

  • Act as Backup Compliance Coordinator and assume responsibilities as required under BNM’s document policy and Bank’s Anti Money Laundering Guidelines/Manual for the Business Centre (BC).
  • Act as the Backup Operational Risk Coordinator for implementation of Operational Risk Management and Methodologies for the BC.
  • Champion Operational Risk Management (ORM) activities in the Business Unit.
  • Liaise with Group Operational Risk Management (GORM) on ORM activities.
  • Responsible to report ALL operational defects (Actual Losses, Potential Losses and Near Miss Events including Shariah Non – Compliance [SNC] events) via Loss Event Database (LED) in timely manner.
  • Utilize the Operational Risk (OR) Tools i.e. Risk Control Self-Assessment (RCSA), Key Control Standard (KCS), Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and Scenario Analysis (ScAN) in managing Risk exposure.
  • Undertake additional responsibilities assigned by immediate superior as and when required
  • Act as the Backup BCP/DRP Coordinator for Business Contingency Plan for the Business Centre (BC).

Job Requirements

  • Degree in Accounting, Finance, Banking, Business, Economics or any similar discipline.
  • Experienced in marketing and credit processing.
  • Strong command of Bahasa Malaysia and English, both oral and written.
  • Good public speaking and presentation skills.
  • Overall Bank’s Credit, Operations and Product knowledge.
  • Keep abreast with SME issues, policies and trends in the country.
  • Basic business acumen and industry knowledge.

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