Sales Executive


Tanggal: 1 hari yang lalu
Kota: Bekasi, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu

About Pashouses

In Pashouses, we have a vision to become the trusted home ownership hub in Indonesia. It comes from the belief that home ownership is vital for nation-building. When you own a house in a sustainable manner, you provide the right environment for your family to flourish. However, we know that the path towards home ownership is difficult yet achievable. We are a group of people who are passionate about revolutionizing the process and making sure that everyone can be a homeowner. Join us in our mission to make millions of Indonesians to be proud #homeowners.

Join us in our mission to make millions of Indonesians to be proud #homeowners.

The candidate for this position will excel at creating and closing new opportunities. By using a consultative approach to selling, this person will use their expertise to identify and qualify leads, leading to sales opportunities with both new and existing customers.


  • Meet and exceed sales targets
  • Successfully create business from new and existing customer accounts
  • Manage complex negotiations with senior-level executives
  • Build rapport and establish long term relationships with customers

Join our team and make an impact as a dynamic, driven Sales Executive!

It’s time for women to innovate and lead the way! Let’s make things happen together.


- Female, aged 23-30 years old (preferably single)

- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

- Strong sales drive with a passion for meeting targets

- Previous sales experience is a plus

- Self-motivated, goal-oriented, and a team player


  • Get salary or Take Home Pay (THP)
  • Additional income in the form of incentives from home sales performance
  • Work travel reimbursement
  • Ads/advertising budget in marketing a house
  • Insurance + in-house health benefits

Cara melamar

Untuk melamar pekerjaan ini, Anda perlu otorisasi di situs web kami. Jika Anda belum memiliki akun, silakan daftar.

Posting CV

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