Sampler Supervisor, Mandarin Translator | PT Tribhakti Inspektama
State University of Malang
Tanggal: 1 hari yang lalu
Kota: Malang, East Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu

<\/span> \/ <\/span>
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}}"},"inView":false,"email_subject":"Check out this awesome image !!","email_message":"Here is the link to the image : %%image_link%% and this is the link to the gallery : %%gallery_link%%","lightbox":"fancybox"}">
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Posting CVPekerjaan serupa
Staff Marketplace Ads Spesialist
PT. Surya Jawara Eco,
Malang, East Java
Rp 2.500.000
Rp 3.500.000
per bulan
1 minggu yang lalu
KualifikasiLaki laki / wanita.Pendidikan Minimal D3 segala jurusan,WAJIB Min. 2 Tahun Pengalaman di digital periklanan (Memiliki skill Shopee ads, meta ads, dan sejenisnya)Memiliki pemahaman algoritma ads marketplace yang mendalam.WAJIB Bisa Mengoperasikan EXCEL beserta FORMULAnya.Memiliki logika berfikir yang tinggi.Detail & Disiplin terhadap pekerjaan.Adaptif dan fast learnerJob DeskMengelola & mengoptimalkan akun marketplace dari organic atau lewat ads.Memanage dan update terkait event &...

CS/Telemarketing PBF | PT Ikon Surabaya Farmamart
State University of Malang,
Malang, East Java
2 minggu yang lalu
<\/span> \/ <\/span>{{buttons}}{{arrows}}"},"inView":false,"email_subject":"Check out this awesome image !!","email_message":"Here is the link to the image : %%image_link%% and this is the link to the gallery : %%gallery_link%%","lightbox":"fancybox"}">

State University of Malang,
Malang, East Java
2 minggu yang lalu
Tentang PekerjaanBCA MDP is Calling!Live your career adventure and face the era of industry revolution with BCA. Through the entire 1 years of training program, you will get extensive knowledge about banking (marketing, audit, development, etc.). The best learning experience with outstanding training and mentor will be the best weapon for you to face the challenge ahead.PersyaratanEager to learn and...