Visual Art Teacher

Nassa School

Tanggal: 1 minggu yang lalu
Kota: Bekasi, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu
  • Graduated from a reputable institute/academy/university
  • Bachelor Degree in education with related major or related specialized subject
  • Teaching experience should not be less than 2 years
  • Eager to grow and contribute to the professional learning culture
  • Skillful in classroom pedagogy and updated with educational research will be a benefit
  • Able to work in group, open minded, and highly initiative
  • Excellent in English both written and spoken
  • Understand basic IT operation
  • Willing to be located in Bekasi/East Jakarta
  • TOEFL ITP/Ibt score min.500 or TOEIC min.600 (Validaty period for test taken in 2021 - 2023)

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