Tanggal: 1 minggu yang lalu
Kota: Pekanbaru, Riau
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu
Company Description: PT. Aryndo Energy Utama is a company that giving services in the oil and gas industries in the sense to give innovations and best services which can save time and money. PT. Aryndo Energy Utama has established in Indonesia to provide Drilling Rig, Equipment and provide recruitment services for onshore/offshore oil & gas industry, marine industry, shipbuilding industry and onshore industry, in the sense to give innovations and best services which can save time and money. We Provide Proffesional Drilling Crews for Onshore/Offshore for all positions with qualified certificate and profesional skill in their position. The Candidates which we provide with high skill meet the client requirment. PT. Aryndo Energy Services has developed to provide project management consultation and procurement services for offshore oil and gas projects. Our objective is to provide professional services to our clients. We are doing our best as to meet client’s requirement, to be efficient in time and budgetary concerns. Job Description:
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Posting CVPekerjaan serupa
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