Laboratory Technician | Goonyella Riverside | BMA


Tanggal: 1 minggu yang lalu
Kota: Lembang, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu
About The Role

About BHP

At BHP we support our people to grow, learn, develop their skills and reach their potential. With a global portfolio of operations, we offer a diverse and inclusive environment with extraordinary career opportunities. Our strategy is to focus on creating a safe work environment where our employees feel strongly connected to our values and objectives, and where the capability of our people is key to our success.

Come and be a part of this success.

About The Role

BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) is a world-class business, built on the strengths of BHP Billiton and Mitsubishi. BMA is part of the world's largest diversified resources company managing various mines and a port in Central Queensland.

An opportunity is currently available at our Goonyella mine for a Laboratory Technician to work on a Lifestyle Roster reporting to the Lead Process Engineer.

Specific Responsibilities Include But Are Not Limited To

  • Demonstrated commitment to safety, health, the community and the environment
  • Conduct sampling and analysis programs in line with established processes and procedures
  • Entry and reporting of data to relevant parties, and where necessary recommend corrective actions to the process
  • Perform equipment and instrument calibrations
  • Review of established procedures and practices and suggest improvements
  • Enable efficient plant operations through the delivery of analytical results to the IROC and operations teams
  • Resolution of quality issues within shift

Take a look at what it’s like to work with BMA here

About You

The successful candidate will have:

  • Minimum ‘C’ Class Driver’s licence
  • Experience working as a Laboratory Technician is essential
  • Experience working in a laboratory in an open cut coal mining environment highly desirable
  • An unwavering commitment to safety and this will be clearly demonstrated throughout your prior experience
  • Values driven, a positive attitude, energetic and well developed interpersonal skills are essential

About Our Process

At BHP, we are committed to employing individuals who align with the BHP Charter Values and meet the requirements of the role. As part of the recruitment process, there are a number of checks which may be conducted to demonstrate applicants suitability for a role including police / criminal background checks, medical, drug and alcohol testing, due diligence checks, right to work checks, and/or reference checks.

Please note as part of this recruitment process the successful applicant will need to conduct a Queensland legislated coal mine workers’ health assessment.

From 1 April 2023, ResHealth will be mandatory for the completion of coal mine workers’ health assessments, allowing you to submit, monitor and review the progress of your health assessment in a secure online environment.

For more information please go to the ResHealth website.

If you are already employed directly by BHP, please log in using your BHP email address or apply via our internal jobs portal.

Supporting a diverse workforce

The size, stability and magnitude of our business not only provides significant opportunity for professional development, but also attractive salary packages with performance based bonuses and unique BHP employee share program.

At BHP, we recognise that we are strengthened by diversity. We are committed to providing a work environment in which everyone is included, treated fairly and with respect. We are an Equal Opportunity employer and we encourage applications from women and Indigenous people.

We know there are many aspects of our employees’ lives that are important, and work is only one of these, so we offer benefits to enable your work to fit with your life. These benefits include flexible working options, a generous paid parental leave policy, other extended leave entitlements and parent rooms.

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