Production Electronic Engineer

PT Smoore Technology Indonesia

Tanggal: 1 minggu yang lalu
Kota: Pasuruan, East Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu

Basic Requirements:

Have basic knowledge of electronic circuits and be familiar with analog electronic circuits;
Familiar with basic electronic components and common semiconductor electronic component applications.

Hands-on Ability Requirements:

Familiar with the assembly process of electronic products, and can demonstrate manual soldering ability;
Have hands-on ability in manual welding and replacement of 0402 SMD electronic components;
Familiar with the design and production ideas of electronic product measurement racks (jigs);
Ability to independently make measurement racks (jigs).

Instrument Operation Ability Requirements:

Familiar with the operation of commonly used electronic instruments and flexible use of various electronic instruments;
Familiar with the use of instruments such as digital multimeters; LCRs; digital oscilloscopes, etc;
Flexible application in measurement and analysis problems.

Ability to Judge Electronic Component Parameters:

Familiar with commonly used electronic component parameters and capable of measuring and determining some parameters;
The root cause of the influence of electronic component parameters can be investigated based on component failure background.

Analytical Problem-Solving Skills:

Familiar with electronic circuit failure analysis; capable of design; production process;
Propose unique temporary and permanent solutions in various aspects such as measurement and control.


College degree or above in electronic technology or related majors. (Those with strong electronic technology analysis and problem-solving abilities may be admitted to technical schools)
Priority will be given to those with experience in solving semiconductor failure damage and chip capacitor damage.

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