Warehouse (Jabodetabek)
PT Multindo Technology Utama
Tanggal: 2 minggu yang lalu
Kota: Bekasi, West Java
Jenis kontrak: Penuh waktu

Company Description: PT Multindo Technology Utama (Formerly named CV Multindo Teknik) founded in April 2002 is Integrated Services and Products Supplies Company. By this we mean, we do not limit the company's operations to just a kind of traditional supply, trading or service company. We welcome for investment share collaboration with our customers for Capital Expenditure and/or Operational Expenditure as a part of our commitment for long term mutual success to all parties. Our services include Pre-engineered Design and Installation Systems, Component service, repair and Overhaul, Spare parts & Accessories, Service maintenance contract, Vendor held stock on mine site and Advices. We back it up services with a well supporting facilities, experienced and technically competent staffs. We can Asses you needs and tailor a system to suit your particular situation. Job Description:
Warehouse (Jabodetabek)
Warehouse (Jabodetabek)
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Posting CVPekerjaan serupa
Industrial Relations, Legal & GA Supervisor
Bekasi, West Java
4 hari yang lalu
Roles & ResponsibilitiesDelivering the employee relations strategy within Legal Entity and advise on Labour Relations.Contribute to the design and delivery of employee and social partner communication and consultation strategy.Supporting HR General Manager with any efficiency projects providing legal guidance when required.Work closely with the HRGA teams to implement strategies, policies and practicesAdvise on Labor RelationsProcessing Activity & FilesProcess proceedings relative...

PT. Prima Unggul Persada,
Bekasi, West Java
Rp 4.500.000
Rp 6.500.000
per bulan
1 minggu yang lalu
PersyaratanPendidikan min. D3 Teknik Sipil Pengalaman min. 3 tahun sebagai Procurement / Logistic / Purchasing di perusahaan KonstruksiBerpengalaman dari Perusahaan Kontraktor terutama sipil (menjadi nilai tambah)Mampu membaca dan menganalisa gambar kerja proyek, sangat diutamakanMemiliki vendor dan relasi yang luasMemiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan supplier dan sub-kontraktorMemiliki kemampuan bernegosiasi yang mumpuni dan kemampuan problem solving menangani permasalahan yang kompleksKeahlian dalam menggunakan perangkat...

Sales Corporate (Bekasi
Madinah Group Indonesia,
Bekasi, West Java
1 minggu yang lalu
PersyaratanPria, maks 35 tahunMinimal SMA/SMK semua jurusanBerpengalaman dan berprestasi di bidang sales canvassing min 5 tahunLebih menyukai bekerja di lapangan dan bertemu dengan customerMemiliki sikap dan penampilan yang cocok untuk bertemu dengan high profile customer dari kalangan eksekutif, profesional, business owner, atau C-levelRutin sholat 5 waktuTidak merokokSiap penempatan di wilayah Jakarta & BekasiFasilitas & BenefitGajiInsentif menarik dan jenjang karirFasilitas kajian...